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Created 4-Nov-11
Modified 25-Jul-23
Visitors 613
35 photos
Pete Guion got started photographing Ultimate Frisbee in 2003, moved to digital in 2005, all with local recreational groups. He started photographing competitive Ultimate in 2007, with his first attendance as a photographer at Fools Fest, in Fredericksburg, VA. He has been collaborating with UltiPhotos since 2010, and is very excited to be part of the team.

Pete photographs a range of subjects, from nature to abstracts, as well as a variety of sports including football, ice hockey, and even the occasional roller derby. Although Pete does not play in a club or college team, he enjoys playing in the local Washington, DC (WAFC) leagues.

A selected portfolio is included here.

Please read Pete's Ultimate Interviews interview (1/28/13) for more information.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

PoNY vs Truck Stop. Open Division Pool Play, Thursday, Oct 2012.Women's Division Finals, Fury vs Riot, Sunday, 2012 Club NationalsPlayoffs of the Fools FestMLU New York Rumble vs. DC CurrentMLU DC Current hosts the New York RumbleUSAU Nationals 2014 ChampionshipsUSAU Nationals 2014 ChampionshipsUSAU Nationals 2014 ChampionshipsUSAU Nationals 2014 ChampionshipsUSAU Nationals 2014 Championship FinalsPhiladelphia Spinners @ DC CurrentBoston Whitecaps @ DC CurrentChesapeake Open 2015Chesapeake Open 2015Capitol SectionalsCapitol SectionalsCapitol SectionalsCapitol SectionalsCapitol SectionalsCapitol Sectionals

Guestbook for Pete Guion
Emily Gottschalk

I bought some photos from you tonight. I'd like to ask if you'll send me the high res digital shot so I can post it on line. Please check your orders for Gottschalk. I'll look for your pictures tomorrow of the GDub GWU team. My son is captain. (#22).

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