ULTIMATE - The First Five Decades

The newest ultimate history books, ULTIMATE - The First Five Decades, Vol. I and II, are now available! UltiPhotos is proud to have contributed over 100 photos from our photographers to Vol. II, which spans the years 2005-2018.

"For the past 11 years UltiPhotos photographers have been capturing incredible action shots and wonderful moments in ultimate. Seeing these photos pop off the page in ULTIMATE - The First Five Decades, Vol. II makes me proud on behalf of our photographers that we were able to help document ultimate history. This book is an essential history of our sport and the photos help bring that history to life. I encourage every ultimate lover to order a copy today." - Kevin Leclaire, UltiPhotos founder

UltiPhotos photographers included:

Alex Fraser Andy Moss Billy Dzwonkowski Brandon Wu Brian Canniff Chad Borer
Christina Schmidt Daniel Thai Greg Pettus Jeff Albenberg Jeff Bell Jolie J Lang
Kevin Leclaire Kyle McBard Nathan Kolakovic Neil Gardner Nick Lindeke Paul Andris
Paul Rutherford Pete Guion Rodney Chen Rudy DeSort Sandy Canetti Scobel Wiggins
Scott Roeder Sean Carpenter Stuart Beringer Taylor Nguyen William 'Brody' Brotman  

"I published these books so the names of the best athletes and their teams, including their amazing accomplishments, would not fade away with time," said Joe Seidler, publisher. The first volume is a reprint of the highly acclaimed first history book, ULTIMATE - The First Four Decades, highlighting the history of ultimate from 1968-2004. The new, second volume is a continuation of the first book, highlighting how ultimate has advanced from 2005-2018 and looking toward what is in store for the future of the sport. Vol. II was expanded to 224 pages with over 200 photos. Additionally, a third book, Vol. III, covering the history of the Disc, Rules & SOTG and the Hall of Fame will be published as an eBook later in 2019.