Thank you to all of our donors! You can join this list by donating to our GoFundMe. Check out our archives here.


Hall of Fame Tier

William "Brody" Brotman, Dan Hyslop, Nob Rauch, Kevin Leclaire


Worlds Tier 

Kevin Prickett


Nationals Tier

Suzanne Fields, Sandy Canetti, Timothy Clark, David Raflo, Ben Dieter, Pasquale Leonardo, Julie Sussman, Donna Shaw, Jason Adams, Kevin Greener, Patrick van der Valk, Christina Schmidt, Jenny Fey, Pamela Kraus


Regionals Tier

Dianne Singer, Kali Frost, Rebecca Smith, Alicia Barr, Anna Nazarov, Alexander Hartwiger, Jeffrey Hirsch, Jill Sullivan, Scobel Wiggins, Stephen Kane, Luke Wolckenhauer, Ernie Miyashita, Brendan Jarrell, Chelsea Putnam, Heather Waugh, David Blau



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